The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3 Coming to the end of December has a way of making me reflect on the year that has passed and on goals for the…
What we do today makes a difference tomorrow even if we cannot see the entire picture. Ruth could not see that she would play a vital role in the lineage of the Messiah ~ Ruth, a heathen, in the line…
Allie remembers Christmas as a time of fear and violence. Her father was an alcoholic and on holidays he raged with anger when he drank. But it wasn’t just on the holidays, it was every weekend. His paranoia drove him…
“Is it really possible? Has another year passed?” I thought, Sunday after church as my husband and I were pulling up frozen weights by net handles out of a sea of plastic wrapped carcasses, in search of the perfect bird. …
I’ve been through some hard times in life just like most people. Recently my family and I were thrown another curve ball when the doctors discovered my brother had a malignant tumor. As I went through weeks of waiting for…