I’ve been through some hard times in life just like most people. Recently my family and I were thrown another curve ball when the doctors discovered my brother had a malignant tumor. As I went through weeks of waiting for answers, God revealed to me once again who He really is in my life. It was one of those times when I could not depend on human comfort and words. I am thankful the God of the entire universe loves me enough to be my everything in every circumstance.
He gives me His peace in uncertain times.
He holds my hand when I wait for answers.
He understands when I doubt.
He has patience when it takes me a while to understand.
He holds my heart together when I feel it will break.
He is strength when I am weak and frail.
He calms me when unsettling thoughts enter my mind.
He is my security when I am afraid of the things of this world.
He is my loving Father because I am fatherless.
He is my confidant when I need a friend.
He lifts my head when it is too heavy.
He refreshes my soul when I am parched.
He gives me His words from His Word.
He hugs me with the arms of family and friends.
He never allows me to separate myself from His love.
He carries me through the fire when I cannot walk.
He gives me value and worth.
He gave me this wonderful grace, this amazing grace.
He loves me so intensely that He gave His one and only Son to die in my place. (John 3:16)
I don’t know how you feel about God. Maybe you envision Him as one who is angry, vengeful and wrathful. Maybe you believe He has forgotten you. Maybe you’re angry, hurt, and bitter towards Him. But, precious one, He loves you, He created you with purpose. Some find that hard to believe, but I urge you to open your heart and hear. He longs for you to come to Him. He’s reaching out to you right now, through CWO’s ministry. It’s not by chance you’re reading this post. Romans 10:9-10 “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.”
If you are empty, desperate, weary or alone turn to this Savior who wants to be new life to you. Just simply talk to Him and tell Him how you feel. Ask Him for help. He will never turn away from someone seeking His love and salvation. He gives both freely and abundantly. Life can certainly hit hard sometimes and the road ahead seems so long. You may even wonder if you can make it to the end. But God is there on that road beside you, carrying you if necessary, taking you to the end. When you arrive I hope you find you’re stronger in faith, loved beyond measure, and more able to give God’s great grace to others. May He be glorified through all circumstances in your life.
We received good news last week concerning my brother’s health issue. He is free and clear of disease. We are praising our Father for answered prayer and thankful that even when circumstances look bleak He is still God and His love never fails.
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