Scripture Tags


From time to time, readers ask us about the scripture tags that we have displayed in the past in the top corner of each CWO page. In particular–if they are available to copy and paste to their own page.

Scripture tags are a great way to decorate a website or blog, but more importantly, we see them as as tool to share ones faith with readers that are passing through. Therefore we invite you to use them if you like.

Included under each image is the code that can easily be copied and pasted into your template. Feel free to use any that you wish, and in return, we ask that you keep our link in the code so that other bloggers/web designers can benifit from this service as well.

We have several pages to select from, so look for the links below.

Simple Steps for Blogger Templates:

Layout>Add a page element>html/java script>paste the code into the pop up box>save changes>view blog

Also view our “Cute Kids” and “Grunge” collections.




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