Category: Serving Him


Broken. From the Garden of Eden to Noah’s generation, humanity was broken.  Holy communion with God ~ broken.  A mother’s heart, seeing the pain of an angry son and a son murdered in a field ~ broken.  A family watching…

Into The Light

By Nicole Weider I didn’t realize it at first, but I see now that my life has always been guided by Jesus Christ.  I did not set out to become a mentor for young Christian teen girls, but that is…

Dreams and Burdens

Recently I was blessed to watch a video put out by Biola University.  It was a talk entitled “My Life as a Tomato” given by Phil Vischer, the creator of Veggie Tales.  This video, which I would highly recommend, is…

Get Rid of the “Ites”

By Sherma-Jacqueline Felix In Exodus Chapter 3, Moses was looking after his father-in-law’s flock and God appeared to him in a burning bush.  There, at the burning bush, Moses received instructions from God for his next assignment. In verse 8,…

Dwell on These Things…

… the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene… there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.   Acts 4:10,12 For this reason…