Category: Faith in Families

Enter into My Rest…

The rest of God.  These words roll off my tongue and fills me with a refreshing hope.  Many believe that we will rest when we enter heaven.  However, the rest of God is for this life, and not only the…

A Faithful God

Several years ago I tried to write a kind of memoir of my life for my children.  I have lived through a lot of history in my life, and I wanted them to see these events through my eyes.  When…

The Blame Game

By Kristen Wells The crack of the slamming door upstairs snapped me back into reality.  I looked down at the boiling pot of noodles waiting for the thumping of feet that I knew were now trotting downstairs, to arrive at…

Blessings Upon Blessings

It is early evening, the long lazy summer has arrived, and God has laid His warming hand on us.  From my side door, I watched as the young willow tree filled over and over again with songbirds.  They were taking…