It is early evening, the long lazy summer has arrived, and God has laid His warming hand on us. From my side door, I watched as the young willow tree filled over and over again with songbirds. They were taking a break and cooling their selves among its branches. I saw them preen, and ensnare the tiny bugs that have been drawn there to nibble on the fresh green of the leaves. These feathered covered songsters swoop into my yard, and I fear that other four-legged visitors may hurt them. Yet if even one sparrow falls, my Lord knows it. I realize that God has sealed the concern that I carry in my heart. He has given me His compassion.
Just beyond is my purple butterfly bush and it is brimming with the beautiful creatures; I watched earlier today as they erratically fluttered by. They have been here in abundance, most are black with blue spots, and there are some monarch looking ones, not sure about that, plenty of little whites and yellows. God has brought excitement to my yard. It is God’s desires to lift me up.
The heavens finally released my hummers; they have arrived late, but with a voracious thirst as usual. I think they may drink the nectar of my hibiscus dry. They become quiet sassy with me before the summer is over, we usually have several stand-downs. They do their helicopter thing near my nose so I quickly sit; they win, I don’t care, I just enjoy. He gives me His joy.
God blesses and refreshes me through His nature! There is such beauty all around, and I find that as I dwell on His “earthly” touch, I began to take it personally, and I think that’s ok. It’s a blessing that through my eyes, He chooses to please the artist leanings in me. He knows me so well I give thanks. I feel my very eyes are singing praises. It is my pleasure to praise Him.
Be still and listen; and when I do, again I am blessed ~ God tickles my ears. The distant roar of summer built thunder, the contagious laughter of neighborhood children, even the low buzz of bumblebees please me. There are times, especially in early twilight, when the noises blend together, and in my mind, they become the sounds of His earth engine, running smoothly along. All seems well with God’s world. He brings me peace.
Night is quickly coming on now and I walk into my yard, the atmosphere is dense with the spicy aroma of multitudes of blooming plants. I stand still and let the heavy curtain of dew laden scent waft through my senses. I am thinking this is a perfume I could offer to my God, and right here in the dusk I worship, and He is near.
This day brought blessings upon blessings! He gave me His compassion, His joy, His peace and nearness,and He lifted me. I offer Him my heart filled with praise.
I think I will rest on this, goodnight!