Author: Rhea B. Riddle

I was born seventy three years ago in Owensboro Kentucky - a pretty little city perched along the Ohio River. I am a wife, mother, and grandmother and I have a rich heritage in memories from which to draw. I recently began blogging true stories and incidents that have occurred in my life. I am now writing some stories of pure fiction glazed with truth. My desire is to gratify the reader and glorify my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Lord gifted me with humor and I enjoy passing it along.

Forgiveness ~ A Choice

The rain as it falls on a hot pavement, fresh cut grass, and the pages of a new book opened for the first time.  These are my youngest granddaughter’s favorite smells, fragrances.  She had just listed them for me as…

My Prayer Place

Mark 1:35 Very early the next morning Jesus got up and went to a place where He could be alone and pray.  (CEV) I long to be like Jesus and to grow in my prayer life. Personal prayer is such a…

You Arrogant Snowflake

The Lord has been so gracious to me this long bitter winter with many days of bright sunshine in spite of the snowy freezing times.  This helps my moods, my appetite, and I hope my sanity, because I am beginning…