I wonder if I could paint for you a word picture of my mid-April some while back, and perhaps sketch a few of my thoughts?
It is a golden day, the sun is warm, not hot; gentle breezes quietly stir the freshly budded Choke Cherry blossoms. The lilacs are playing their age old game of blowing their sweet breath through my open windows. There is an orchestra of life all around; a thousand birds are singing; the distant hum of traffic is strangely soothing. Fat squirrels are tossing the remaining brown, winter~worn, fallen leaves; they survived the long, harsh winter and are ready to scamper.
This afternoon is stretching itself nicely, as though awakening from a languid and restful nap; I’m pleasured and feel… I feel so blessed. I have no desire to be young again, but perhaps to have time slow just a bit so these fragrant days can linger longer, and please even more as they invite me to partake! I fight the desire to entertain (startle) my neighbors (four of which are my daughter and her hubby, and granddaughter and her hubby) by skipping down the street, kicking the ball I see on the edge of the yard, and singing “Orange-Colored Sky!” at top of my lungs.
It is that kind of day. It takes a warm, sunny day to make me realize just how tightly I held myself during the drab, cold, everlasting winter experienced here on the edge of the Ohio River in Kentucky. So, now I’m loose ~ look out world, it’s time to expand my horizons and claim the day as mine! My back porch swing beckons. This season it will become more than just a relaxing spot for me; it will bring comfort and solace to my newest obsession ~ my very own first ever great-grand baby. A baby girl who stares intently into the depths of my eyes, as though reading my soul, and I stare back at beautiful darkness of her eyes and feel as if I am diving into the depths of a deep, reviving river.
Sweet Baby, we will sing softly about God’s beautiful world while watching the birds. We will whisper, and build dreams, the ones that appear to you in the night, later as you grow. Someday you may wonder, “Where did that thought come from? It seems so real, have I lived this before?” Yes, yes you have my dear little “lovey”; many things passed from my heart to yours as I gave you slobbery kisses, and you drooled on me in the swing, on those warm, long-ago days. I am the one you remember in your subconscious time of sleep and perhaps when daydreaming, too. I’ll be the laughter you almost remember, but can’t forget; the heart beat that has its own unique rhythm you feel pressing on your chest. Whenever you feel a hushed “Amen!” coming on, my prayers will be lingering with you.
I may leave you the dubious blessing of a freckle or two; I have already passed around several. If it should happen, I pray ahead of time it will appear behind your elbow, and you will only see it if you want to, but when you do… spend just a moment looking for a memory. You should start with April… think mid- April, that’s the time when things bloom, and come alive.
A prayer for you my sweet baby great-granddaughter:
2 Peter 3:18
“Let the wonderful kindness and the understanding that come from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ help you to keep on growing. Praise Jesus now and forever! Amen.”
An acknowledgement:
Psalm 127:3
“Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord.”
Both scripture verses from:
Contemporary English Version (CEV)