Christmas is About People

christmas-1456840-640x480By Sherma-Jacqueline Felix
I know that “Jesus is the reason for the season” and that we ought to say “Merry Christmas” rather than “Happy Holidays” and all the other cliches that some of us Christians tend to get so hung up about during this time of the year.  In my heart I believe that even though we celebrate Jesus’ birth once a year, the very idea that He lives on the inside of us, gives us a reason to acknowledge Him DAILY, rather than just once a year!  That is so much bigger than whether people greet us with “Merry Christmas” or not at the local store.

I realize that this is controversial, but I couldn’t care less whether we say“Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays.”  What’s important to me is, how we live our everyday lives.  Are we in the habit of letting Jesus not just be our Savior, but also our Lord as well? If He is Lord over our lives, and we are obedient to His Word, we will find that He’s not too bothered about how we are greeted during this time of the year!  What He doesn’t like is when we bash people over the head for stuff like that.  You know why?  Because He is concerned about PEOPLE.

For God so loved THE WORLD that He gave His only Son!  He loves the world and not just the church!  He wants the Wisdom of God to be manifested in the church. (Ephesians 3:10).  He wants the world to recognize that we are His disciples, because of the way we love each other. (John 13:35)  That is so much bigger than Christmas trees, shopping, exchanging gifts, and drinking eggnog!

I understand that those things are part of a huge tradition carried out all over the world, and I don’t have a problem with that.  I truly enjoy partaking of the tradition at my own home!  However, what I believe is so much bigger than the traditions of men is the authority and power of God that becomes nullified in the process if we’re not watchful. (Mark 7:13 Amplified)

When we begin to look at Christmas in the light of eternity, we’ll see much clearer that this is a season where it is much easier to draw men to Christ.  There is normally a great amount of depression and discouragement during this season, so this could be the perfect opportunity to talk about Christ.  We can open the door with gifts, or by inviting them over for dinner, or a holiday party.  As we share about how Jesus delivers from depression, they will receive Him!

Either way, people have to know that God sent Jesus because HE LOVES THEM!  God sent Jesus because HE WANTS A RELATIONSHIP WITH THEM!  Let’s consider that as we’re shopping, or standing in line at the store.  Let’s try to remember that GOD LOVES PEOPLE as we exchange the gifts and bake the cakes.  Christmas is so much more than a baby in a manger.  It’s about loving people, and sharing the love of Christ with them.  It’s about inviting them to escape hell and live eternally with Jesus.  God loves people and we do, too!



Sherma-2About the author :
Sherma-Jacqueline is a Bible Teacher, Conference Speaker, Mentor, and Passionate Writer.  She has always enjoyed writing, and started off by keeping a diary in her teens.  She began prayer journaling over 18 years ago and began teaching on Prayer 11 years ago.  Her desire is to see the women of God rise up and be all that they’re called to be: Bold, Strong, Courageous and overflowing with His Word!

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© Sherma-Jacqueline Felix. All rights reserved.



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