If God were sitting right beside me on my couch what would we talk about? I wrote down some thoughts that came to mind. After writing this article, then reading back to myself what He might say, I found I felt very loved and uplifted. I encourage you to pray about it and try this yourself.
“The day you were born your mom and dad cried. They held you and thought you were the most beautiful little girl they had ever seen. I knew I had blessed them beyond measure. Yet no one knew how much I had been blessed or how I would use you to touch the world around you.
“I chose your eye color, made you left handed, right brained and kind of short, but you were perfect then and you are perfect now. There is not one strand of hair on your head that I do not know about, one broken nail, or one tear that gets by Me because I am Your Father who knows you intimately. More intimately than you know yourself.
“I love the things about you that you don’t like about yourself. You know what they are. Those imperfections you see in your body and personality are all part of your make up. I made you who you are, please don’t let the world be the deciding factor as to how you feel about yourself. You are so much more than you know.
“Those mornings when you pray and then you wonder if I hear. Don’t ever doubt. When you call out to Me My heart jumps and I immediately pay attention just as a mother does when her child cries out in need. I hear you and I will answer in the way that best benefits you.
“Lately I’ve asked you to give up some things you’ve been holding onto. Letting go will help you see my plan for your life more clearly. When the trash fills your heart and mind, I can’t get in to show you the bigger picture, to lead you step by step. So these things have to go… There will be more and you will have to choose again. Choose Me. Choose Me every time because I will never lead you wrong. When I ask you to let go it is for your best interest and My glory.
“Not one thought pops in your mind that I didn’t know about before it entered your head. There’s never a deed you do that I am not already aware of before you do it. Before a word leaves your lips I hear it. Your question now is, ‘Then how could you love me? If you know all these things, and they aren’t very pretty sometimes, how can You still love me?”. I wish I could explain it in a way you could understand it, but My love is not like human love. It is unfathomable. There is no way you can conceive My unconditional, deep, unwavering, unchanging love for you.
“Yet I will tell you this. I have a Son and I gave His life for yours. I gave Him up for you. He died so you could live with Me in eternity. My heart beats for you and I want you to spend the rest of your life letting Me love you and showing you how to love Me and others.”
If God were sitting beside you on your couch what would He say?