Tag: trials

Thankfulness in All Things

“Is it really possible? Has another year passed?” I thought, Sunday after church as my husband and I were pulling up frozen weights by net handles out of a sea of plastic wrapped carcasses, in search of the perfect bird. …

First Chronicles, Seriously?

My friend was having a time of devotion and Bible reading the other day while longing for ways to pray for a particular loved one.  During the course of reading the scriptures that she studies in a pre-determined manner, not…

False Witnesses

I have just come away from reading a discussion on the Kindle e-book page which has disturbed me.  Apparently some e-readers resent the fact that there is no way on Kindle’s present listing of available books to determine whether or…

My Everything

I’ve been through some hard times in life just like most people.  Recently my family and I were thrown another curve ball when the doctors discovered my brother had a malignant tumor.  As I went through weeks of waiting for…