It seems like so many of us learn as children to ask things of God as though He were our Heavenly Santa Claus. Maybe it is a cultural thing, or maybe it is because we are such a rich nation…
In the service of our King, we are engaged in a spiritual battle every single day. But do not fear! We do not face Satan in our own power. Paul tells us to “Be strong in the Lord and in…
What we do today makes a difference tomorrow even if we cannot see the entire picture. Ruth could not see that she would play a vital role in the lineage of the Messiah ~ Ruth, a heathen, in the line…
Allie remembers Christmas as a time of fear and violence. Her father was an alcoholic and on holidays he raged with anger when he drank. But it wasn’t just on the holidays, it was every weekend. His paranoia drove him…
“Is it really possible? Has another year passed?” I thought, Sunday after church as my husband and I were pulling up frozen weights by net handles out of a sea of plastic wrapped carcasses, in search of the perfect bird. …