Tag: debt

Stand, Again

Stand ~ you are loved far beyond what you can know! Stand ~ you are a light, called to glow! Stand ~ you are washed through the blood of Lamb! Stand ~ you are a child of the great              I…

Feeling Easter

It has now been a a little over a year since I put myself in lockdown.  I have found that the “Groundhog Day” effect of repeating the same actions day after day without any distractions like friends or family or…

Thank God It’s Friday

By Katie Heid Good Friday” is a strange moniker for day which remembers the beating, torture, and crucifixion of God’s Son. If I combed through the Bible to label something good, I’d pick other events. Mary’s heartfelt “let it be…

Night Falls… once more

Night falls, oh yes, it does.  The four dark corners untangle from the heavens falling in gentle folds sliding under the stars, and settling with great tenderness upon my world covering all the broken pieces of the day with the…