Category: General

Does this work?!

From a Praying Mom

Hi – It was three years ago today that Sara was in the hospital and was gravely ill. I’ll never forgot how they wheeled her away into the PICU, and I stood in front of her hospital room window, looking…

CWO Scripture Tags

Click “Read More” below to see the post properly… From time to time, readers ask us about the scripture tags that we display in the top corner of each CWO page. In particular–if they are available to copy and paste…

Grunge Scripture Tags

Click “Read More” at the end of this post to view it correctly… Included under each image is the code that can be easily copied and pasted into your template. Feel free to use any that you wish, and in…

God As Your Pastor

Some time ago, I received an email with a question that I found very intriguing. Unfortunately, a technical difficulty corrupted my email folder and I was unable to access it again.  Imagine my delight when I was browsing through some…