Category: General

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Laurel’s Pics for October

Barbecue, football, and spectacular fall foliage are a few of the exciting things October brings. The carefree time of summer has given way to managing schedules. October is a time to celebrate the harvest and to catch our breath before…

Calm the Chaos

“…Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.” —Numbers 13:30, KJV I have been giving some thought to the modern woman.  When my mom got married the expectation for a woman…

Is Meekness a Weakness?

When I started out writing this column, I assumed the articles would generally be about living well—not particularly on weight loss. But as the readership grew, I started receiving feedback—lots of feedback— from women who were struggling with weight. It…

We Have Another Victory

We Have Another Victory! Dear Friends, Thank you for praying. WE HAVE ANOTHER VICTORY! As I write this Sokhan is driving back with the five children whose father murdered their mother last week. It will be late, after dark, before…