Category: Confession


by Rebekah Cook A few months ago I had a lesson.  It was a life lesson.  It was a pottery lesson. The potter I was learning from teaches sculpting.  He taught me how to make a clay vase and then…

Rainy Day Thoughts

One of the joys of being retired and living alone is that you can schedule your life the way you prefer it.  There is little pressure to keep working hard to keep the house immaculate or have a weedless garden…

What Will They Write of Me?

by Rae Lloyd I love to stroll through graveyards and read epitaphs, especially the really old ones.  When you think about it, what is said on that tombstone is probably all you’ll ever know about that person.  It seems through…

Starting the New Year in the Word!

Here are a few key reminders and encouragements straight from the Word of God!   Thank you for being a part of this community, which is dedicated to encouraging one another in faith!   May the Lord bless you with this…