Author: Guest Writer

What Will They Write of Me?

by Rae Lloyd I love to stroll through graveyards and read epitaphs, especially the really old ones.  When you think about it, what is said on that tombstone is probably all you’ll ever know about that person.  It seems through…

Presence not Presents

By Shenay Shumake I was five years old when I fell in love with Christmas.  It was the first time I can recall ever watching A Charlie Brown Christmas.  I sat cross legged in my living room, cotton flannel nightgown…

Thankful in the Fish’s Belly

By Shenay Shumake I read scripture for a lot of reasons.  Mainly because I want to know God better; often because I love great stories. The true stories the Holy Spirit inspired men to ink are blockbuster worthy and epic…

Sowing Seeds of Thanksgiving

By: Christina Patterson Don’t you just love autumn?  It is my favorite season of the year.  The crisp cool air, the colorful leaves, yams are in season and so are sweaters and boots. With Thanksgiving right around the corner it…