Author: Guest Writer

Her Adequacy

By Nellie Martin So many times in life we feel inadequate; our past hanging in the back of our mind and our flaws focusing in on us like a sharp shooter.  Some days we feel beautiful and some days we…


by Mindi Jo Furby Identity.  A basic yet crucial aspect of life.  Billions of dollars are spent every year appealing to our identities ~ from paying therapists to figure out who we are to paying doctors to transform unappealing body…

More to Come

By Penny Jackson It is real, this pain I feel, My strength is almost gone; I hear a voice, oh so still, Gently guiding me along. As I reach out for the Father’s touch, My heart longing for His love,…

He Always Calls You

by Rae Lloyd I cried out for you when you took that pill perhaps just to self medicate and you didn’t really want to, but you couldn’t stop.  I knew there was an inner healing for you, but you thought…


by Rebekah Cook A few months ago I had a lesson.  It was a life lesson.  It was a pottery lesson. The potter I was learning from teaches sculpting.  He taught me how to make a clay vase and then…