Sabbath Sanctuary: Winter into Spring

Snow.  Cold.  They just keep hanging around.  One day it’s warm, shining with the promise of spring, and the next day it’s winter putting up a fight till the end.  Sometimes, trials and wilderness seasons feel that way.


Though it seems never-ending, seasons always run their course:

There is an appointed time
for everything.
And there is a time
for every event under heaven.
~ Ecclesiastes 3:1

“No winter lasts forever and no spring skips its turn.” ~ Hal Borland


Rest in God this Sabbath whether you are in the spring of life or in the winter of a trial.

Resting in God does not mean to be discouraged; it is a day to rejoice.

“Sabbath ceasing means to cease not only from work itself, but also from the need to accomplish and be productive, from the worry and tension that accompany our modern criterion of efficiency, from our efforts to be in control of our lives as if we were God, from our possessiveness and our enculturation, and, finally, from the humdrum and meaninglessness that result when life is pursued without the Lord at the center of it all.” Marva J. Dawn


Snow pictures ~ Piper Green
Camellia in sunshine ~ Alais E. Wagner


{Editor’s note: this article was originally posted in 2019, but it’s still so very applicable!}

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