Something from nothing. That is the way He began our story and it is the way of unfolding ever since. It’s what we can’t extract, pin-point, or make in a test tube. It’s elusive, invisible, and yet ~ it’s everything. It’s life. It’s that moment of untenable mystery ~ when egg becomes embryo, when seed becomes sprout, when what wasn’t suddenly is.
This beginning, it comes from Him ~ all God-spoken, God-breathed. The source of being itself, it is Him. Elohim, God the Creator and the judge of the universe… He created the world, He brought life into it, and called it ‘good’.
He is the difference-maker. What was void and empty became full of goodness. Transformation is impossible without a power to fuel it, and it is His power ~ the spark of His voice ~ that ignites creation. He is the source, the current of life that bursts through our own veins. Our limbs unfurling, our eyes opening, our hearts tap-tap-tapping by His breath.
His voice speaks and where there was darkness, a planet spins. Where there is formless depths, land emerges. He knows what is to come and He prepares. Plants, flowers, trees. These ideas will have function, and He chooses to add loveliness. A trade-mark, this making things beautiful in nearly endless varieties. Out of the black, stars ~ and He knows them each by name. A particular shining beacon, just close enough for the flourish of the foliage by day and its reflection to guide the night. Another stage complete and there are animals large and small, patterned and quick, flying and swimming, tunneling and grazing.
Planet Earth, creation unrivaled.
When the scent of orange trees makes the air sweet, when the sun sets over an ocean and stops me right in my tracks, when snow twirls its frosted patterns over the ground, when I see a squirrel run up the pine tree in my backyard ~ I think of Him.
He didn’t have to dazzle us with the simple bright wonder of the full moon or a field of tulips. He didn’t have to give the birds their cheerful melodies. He didn’t have to form the horse with its awesome thundering gallop…
But He did. And, in doing so, He shows us His character and He shows us how much He valued the creation still to come.
Consider this evidence of Him that we see every single day. Can you see His glory written in the great expanse of sky? His beauty in the arching of a dolphin’s leap through the air? His brilliance and plan in every detail working together for ecosystems to thrive, for seasons to change and nourish, for a gentle, slow-moving caterpillar to grow wings of color and fly? To everything a purpose… to everything His life-giving word.
Imagine a colorless world. A world without the fragrance of a garden, the taste of a crisp apple, the feel of warm sand beneath your feet. Could it be that the Creator designed it to bring your heart joy? Could it be that He prepared it all for humanity, so that we could know pleasure in what He has given to us? Could it be that He created it all to reveal His longing for relationship… His love… His heart for you and me?
And from His heart, with His marvelously transforming power, He creates us. Fallen from obedience, we hold ashes of guilt in our hands until He speaks mercy and beauty springs forth. Yes, when you and I have nothing, He speaks into our lives and gives us everything.
And from us, He asks only faith and love…
…funny, when you think of it, since the seeds for both He planted in our hearts. He requires nothing from us that He hasn’t already provided for us.
So what can we do but praise Him? What can we do but exalt His name, this Lord of all Creation who is full of majesty and mercy? To this Savior who brings life from death ~ life abundant, new, and eternal ~ can we offer anything but adoration?
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come… with all creation I sing, praise to the King of Kings… You are my everything and I will adore you!” (“Revelation Song” by Jennie Lee Riddle)
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