“Leave it all behind. Leave it all behind.”
I’m listening to these words from Casting Crowns latest song, The Well. Singing in my best Mark Hall imitation voice, I revel in Jesus’ willingness to take all my burdens on Himself while replacing them with His love and strength. Yet… I know I haven’t left it all behind. I want to. I try to… and sometimes I actually do it, but then I go back and get it again.
What if I really did leave it all behind? What if beginning with this New Year I left it all behind me? What would my life be like without the worry and burden of carrying that heavy load?
Isaiah 41:18 I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs.
I think if I opened my hands and let go those dry desert places in my heart would spring forth like pools of water. I believe I would overflow with joy, peace, love and faith. The times in my life when I have released my grip I’ve been the most contented. Even in midst of trouble my spirit overflowed with God’s grace and love toward others. Now this would be a great way to kick off the New Year!
And all who thirst will thirst no more, and all who search will find what their souls long for. The world will try, but it can never fill, so leave it all behind and come to the well.
When I have been parched and dried up from my own selfish ways or from the world’s damage I am left down, depressed, angry and hurting. Yet when I finally give up and decide I’ve had all the pain I can take, the Father lifts my chin and pours into me everything He knows I need. My thirst is quenched, color comes back in my cheeks, and life resumes. It’s then that His love overflows and pours into the lives of those around me.
If I could describe such joy I would, but you just have to experience it yourself. There is no life like the abundant life that Jesus came to give each of us! Let’s leave pain, sin, hurt, bitterness, low self-esteem, and old habits behind and come to the well. Receive the living water Jesus offers freely. John 4:7-14
And now that you’re full of life beyond measure, your joy’s gonna flow like a stream in a desert, soon all the world will see that livin’ water is found in Me ’cause you came to the well.
My recent parched spell left me feeling almost empty because I didn’t go to the well soon enough. Once I did, Jesus filled me full of His life. He’s so good that way! It occurred to me He could have said, “Sorry I’m out of water ’cause you waited too long to come.” Or maybe, “Come back later, these others were in line before you.” But I’m His and He is mine and that never changes no matter what. His supply is limitless and His grace abounds!
Guess what? The living water Jesus offers gives life, relieves pressure, and NEVER runs out! You can come now! Grab your bucket! Heck, grab two or three! It doesn’t matter if you haven’t been in a long time, or if you’ve never been, the water’s the same for all! This water revives, refreshes, and renews the weary and faint of heart. It’s yours for the taking because Jesus loves you and yes, the Bible does say so.
Leave it all behind, leave it all behind, leave it all behind…
Words in italics are from the Casting Crowns album Come To The Well.
photo copyright 2011 Dean C. Wagner, Sr.
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