As we enter the month of March thoughts of spring begin to dance in our head. We begin to see green everywhere as we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, but many of us are longing for the green grass and green trees. I promise it is right around the corner!
While waiting for spring let me suggest some wonderful books to read. If you are looking for a book to help prepare your heart for Easter may I suggest Nancy Guthrie’s Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross? Nancy’s book is sure to become a favorite to read every Easter.
Fireflies in December is a heartwarming story with a message. This was Jennifer Erin Valent’s first book and it has already won a Christian Writers Guild award.
And if you, like me, enjoy studying eschatology, then you will enjoy reading Mark Hitchcock’s new book The Late Great United States. Mark, an authority on Bible prophecy, attempts to answer what role the United States will play during end times along with many more questions.
Finally, if you are raising a boy or know someone who is, Wild Things, the Art of Nurturing Boys by Stephen James and David Thomas is a book you do not want to pass up.
I will leave you with this Irish blessing in honor of St. Patrick’s Day.
May God give you…
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer.
(author unknown)
Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross
By Nancy Guthrie
January 2009
148 pages
This book will become a classic, one you will turn to again and again. Nancy Guthrie has compiled a collection of writings from various authors like John Piper, Timothy Keller, John Own, C.J. Mahaney, Charles Spurgeon and many more. Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross leads the reader to experience Christ’s passion and sacrifice.
As Christians Nancy Guthrie states we need to “truly gaze upon the cross of Christ in all of its ugliness and beauty, in its death and in its healing, in the painful price paid there and in its free gift of grace.” Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross is the perfect book to read before Easter.
Each passage is approximately 3 pages long, making it a perfect addition to your quiet time.
Fireflies in December
By Jennifer Erin Valent
January 2009
Tyndale House Publishers
276 pages
Would you stand up for what is right even if it meant the safety of your own family? That is what Sadie and Harley Lassiter did in 1932 when they adopted an African American girl who lost her parents. Jessilyn and Gemma were best friends growing up, now they are sisters. Jessilyn’s father had vowed to Gemma’s parents to look after her if anything ever happened to them. Harley cared for Gemma as one of his own despite the prejudice that prevailed in their little Virginia town.
Ku Klux Klan members unite to make life difficult for the Lassiter family. Sadie Lassiter lost all her friends, Harley’s business suffered and to make matters worse one member of the Ku Klux Klan has made it his personal mission to harm Jessilyn. Through this one summer, Jessilyn leaves her childhood behind only to find hatred and violence. Even in the midst of darkness God displays kindness in unexpected ways.
Fireflies in December is the 2007 winner of the Christian Writers Guild’s Operation First Novel contest. This book challenges readers to look at their own prejudices whether it is black, white, rich, poor, male or female. I found this book difficult to put down and it stayed in my heart well after reading the last page. I look forward to more from Jennifer Erin Valent.
The Late Great United States: What Bible Prophecy Reveals About America’s Last Days
By Mark Hitchcock
January 2009
Waterbrook Multnomah
174 pages
Wars, terrorist bombings, and depressed economy leave many Christians asking if these are all signs of the latter days. But one of the most asked question author Mark Hitchcock is asked is, “Where do you think America fits into biblical prophecy?”
Mark Hitchcock, an authority on Bible prophecy who has appeared on MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN, tries to answer that burning question along with many more. Is America mentioned in prophecy? What is America’s Achilles heel? What happens when God abandons a nation?
This book is short in pages but packed in content. Hitchcock believes that the USA will not play a prominent role in the end times and lays out his biblical reason why. He also includes an appendix A with a series of questions and answers that many us ask. I personally enjoyed reading this book and Mark Hitchcock does a beautiful job in explaining things in laymen’s terms. I recommend this book if you enjoy biblical prophecy.
Wild Things the Art of Nurturing Boys
By Stephen James and David Thomas
January 2009
298 pages
As a mother to all boys, you can imagine I have read my share of books on raising boys. If there was ever a manual in raising boys, this is it! Stephen James and David Thomas understand what it takes to develop a boy into manhood.
In Wild Things they guide readers through the five stages of a boy’s development, detailing each stage, along with new principles to put into action. They also cover topics in how parents should discuss sex, homosexuality, and pornography with their boys. Stephen James and David Thomas lay out the three most important factors in keeping a boy from experimenting with drugs, along with the role of a father and the role of a mother in raising them to become a man.
If you are raising a boy or know someone that is, I highly recommend his book. Even though my boys are high school age, I still use it for reference.
©2009, Lori Kasbeer
Lori ’s personal blog can be found at Lori’s Reflections and additional book reviews at Lori’s Book Reviews – where there is a chance to win free books each month!
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