As promised, here are a few more verses to celebrate our freedom from sin and shame! “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not…
I just don’t know who I am anymore. I mean to separate from him.” I knew how she felt because I had been in that place myself. There was a time I needed my husband so much that nothing else…
Bitterness is a sour pill to swallow, yet we swallow it. Wounds cut deep and our hearts bleed, and we are left for dead. Few care or know the pain we suffer, bitterness comes and supplants the heart. There are…
I stare at the blank white screen; the page is empty, and the cursor is winking at me. There is a comforting blue background luring me with a sense of intrigue and expectation to let the writing began. Shall I…
So… It was the summer of 1992. A very “cool” group of people invited me out for lunch one afternoon. I was so surprised and excited to be included, they were the well-to-do, hip, young crowd that everyone wanted to…