Allie remembers Christmas as a time of fear and violence. Her father was an alcoholic and on holidays he raged with anger when he drank. But it wasn’t just on the holidays, it was every weekend. His paranoia drove him…
“Is it really possible? Has another year passed?” I thought, Sunday after church as my husband and I were pulling up frozen weights by net handles out of a sea of plastic wrapped carcasses, in search of the perfect bird. …
My friend was having a time of devotion and Bible reading the other day while longing for ways to pray for a particular loved one. During the course of reading the scriptures that she studies in a pre-determined manner, not…
Psalm 100 Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with with joyful singing! Know that the Lord Himself is God; it is He who made us, and not we ourselves;…
Waiting… how impatient we grow while waiting; we spoke about this last time. However, while we are wringing our hands and fretting, God is working behind the scenes; He will not leave a matter unsettled for His children. Now Boaz…