Tag: Family

The Gratitude Attitude!

By Katie Heid There are few things more frenzied than a child’s birthday party at a roller rink.  My son had been the lucky recipient of an invitation to such a party, and I (along with a double dose of…

Called to Peace (Part 2)

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as one body you were called to peace. (Colossians 3:15) Unity is in the very nature of the Trinity.  God the Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit are one. Unity…

Called to Peace (Part 1)

Prince of Peace, Isaiah called Him, when he foretold the Savior’s birth.  And, to us, that Prince-of-Peace-Savior says this in Matthew 5:9  “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” Peace. It’s defined as a…