Tag: faith

Called to Peace (Part 1)

Prince of Peace, Isaiah called Him, when he foretold the Savior’s birth.  And, to us, that Prince-of-Peace-Savior says this in Matthew 5:9  “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” Peace. It’s defined as a…

Highest Sanctuary

My husband napped; I had worn him out from shopping on the steep Tennessee streets.  So, I wandered around the grounds of our hotel; the grand old lady is named after the town, “The Gatlinburg Inn.” She is an immense,…

Help or Hindrance?

By Kristen Wells A friend or spouse loses their job or a loved one. They get in a car accident or are diagnosed with a deadly disease.  What is your response?  Is your response helping or hindering that person?  Do…

Grace and Goldfish

By Katie Heid Moochie’s goldfish lay in his tank ~ pale, floating, and obviously dead. Jackson, the goldfish gift I had won 14 months earlier and entrusted to my son, had lived a good, long life in that small bowl. …