Tag: debt free

God On My Couch

If God were sitting beside me on my couch what would He say? “You know I love you right?  I don’t want you to ever have a any doubts.  There is not one thing you could do to stop My…

Wisdom From a Farmer

At the doctor’s office a while ago,  my son and I sat in the waiting room reading.  An older gentleman wanting to talk continued to interrupt us as we read.  He told us about having to get his gallbladder out,…

A New Life

Kayla went into the dressing room with four dresses to try on.  She thought to herself, “Why do I even bother?”  The realization of the weight gain had hit her square in the face that morning, as her husband spouted…

Behold Your King!

“Oh, sacred Head now wounded, with grief and shame bowed down Now scornfully surrounded with thorns, Thine only crown. Oh sacred Head, what glory, what bliss till now was Thine! Yet though despised and gory, I joy to call Thee…