Tag: Christ


Cousins make forts of two-by-fours, unconstructed sanctuary our playground, serve acorn-crust mud pies on blue stained-glass, jump rope to the beat of our fathers’ hammers ~ percussion the sound of church rising ground-up, clouds for a steeple. Cornerstone planted in…

There Are Struggles…

By Katie Heid We’re bombarded with talk today about “speaking up” and “shouting your [fill in the blank].”  I can’t help but think of how Christ followers are to react to the pride and vitriol embedded in such statements: *…

A Servant’s Heart

Some time ago I had a conversation with a professed Christian woman who had gone through a difficult divorce, and was struggling to understand what went wrong.  She posed some interesting questions: “How do we serve others constantly without becoming…

Seeking the Things Above

Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude. See to it that no one takes…

Forgiveness ~ A Choice

The rain as it falls on a hot pavement, fresh cut grass, and the pages of a new book opened for the first time.  These are my youngest granddaughter’s favorite smells, fragrances.  She had just listed them for me as…