Moving On

School days, school days, dear old golden rule days…wow, does that tune ever bring back memories! As parents around the country prepare to send their children off to school for another year, many baby boomers are experiencing the season from…

Daughter Who is Not Saved

Hi Candace! I just wanted to ask you for suggestions. I have a 13-year-old daughter that I think refuses to get saved. The rest of our family–being a 16-year-old sister, a 14-year-old sister, a 12-year-old brother, mom and myself–all profess CHRIST…

Are you a Good Person?

I would just like to say that your ‘test’ is an absolute disgrace. [Referring to “The Good Person Test” available at Way of the Master] Could you imagine a child looking up his or her favorite “Full House” actress, taking…

Bull Attack!

Reaching out to others has two aspects. On one side we have God’s Word encouraging us to reach out and help others, to treat our neighbors as ourselves, to shine God’s love and light into the lives of others whenever…