Category: General

Does this work?!

True Beauty Inside and Out

Magazine covers, billboards, and television screens—you can’t escape their screams–telling you how to look and dress, what size you should be. Living in a world filled with manipulated visuals of beauty is more than hard to swallow—it’s plastic, Photoshopped non-reality.…

June’s Blog of the Month

Each month we choose one blogger from our list of over 4,000 women to be CWO’s blog of the month. This month’s pick is ‘Getting Down With Jesus’.  I sincerely believe Jennifer possesses a genuine heart for Christ and expresses this…

Mammoth Marathon Salad

The Mamoth Marathon Salad reminds us that although some things take time to prepare there’s a great sense of accomplishment when we see the finished product. I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God…

Moving and Timing

Hi, I need prayer. I want to move from where we live, and it’s just not God’s timing I guess. I need prayer for everything you could imagine in dealing with this situation. Thank you so much, Leanna