Category: General

Does this work?!

Buena Muerte/Good Death

I am a nurse. I had always thought I wanted to work in Labor and Delivery. What a blessing to see life begin with all the hopes and promises. Even in the worst of situations, a birth lends beauty and…

The State of My Heart

“This is going to tell us if there are any underlying conditions in your heart.” explained the nurse as she attached the EKG sensors to me. “It can tell us if there is any damage or if your have had…

This Is My Land

This is my country, USA is my land, and I will celebrate. I will lift my hands, lift my heart, give any part of it that is personally mine, right back to God to rule and reign over. Jesus, the…

One Last Goodbye

I wrote this post: I held her baby, Lord (* see bottom for post) in September of 2008. For those of you who read my blog often, you know that many times I do not write in specifics or details-…

Who is the beholder of your beauty

“Mama?” My five year old daughter asked quietly. “Yeah?” I answered. “Julie says that her Mama told her that she is the most beautiful girl in the whole world.” “Huh?” I asked, giving her my full attention. “She said that…