This is my country, USA is my land, and I will celebrate. I will lift my hands, lift my heart, give any part of it that is personally mine, right back to God to rule and reign over. Jesus, the world maker, the great deliverer, the tender Father, Redeemer, the Lord and Savior, the Creator and God himself, chose to have me live here in this land of spacious skies. I honor Him, who made this country and stretched it “from sea to shining sea.”
I pray that His desires for this dedicated land will also be also my desires. I pray His Spirit will give to me the wisdom to understand, that which is stirring in this blessed America. I pray for His peace to enfold me like my warm wool afghan, to experience His nearness as in a gentle breeze catching my attention, or as close as the rush of the heat from the sun on my skin. Whatever path I travel, to known or unknown places, I will lie down in trust and rise in expectation, and offer thanks from a heart brimming with love and joy for the land of my birth, my home.
In Kentucky, I was molded from the soil of this land, its great river is in my blood stream, the brilliant green and multi-colors with which it is decorated is as fresh as a deep breath and draws pleasure to my eyes. God’s hand has been lavish with His “creativity”! The birds sing and the flowering plants bow their heads in an offering of praise, and if I don’t join them, then the very rocks that border my garden will cry out!
I love that God designed America with His standards and that he shelters Her people, (the brotherhood) who belong to Him, in gentle, loving, caring, guiding ways, with a firm and righteous hand, He makes us strong for the day. He shares with His own, the power to bless and to be blessed, so I bless you, and you, and you, America, and I pray “God shed His grace on thee”. And when He blesses, let the fireworks began!
Oh that we would be:
Isaiah 26:1b-2 CEV