Author: Rhea B. Riddle

I was born seventy three years ago in Owensboro Kentucky - a pretty little city perched along the Ohio River. I am a wife, mother, and grandmother and I have a rich heritage in memories from which to draw. I recently began blogging true stories and incidents that have occurred in my life. I am now writing some stories of pure fiction glazed with truth. My desire is to gratify the reader and glorify my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Lord gifted me with humor and I enjoy passing it along.

Questions ~ Meaning of the Cross

I ask: What was achieved on the cross? PROPITIATION: Appeasement of an offended party from wrath or anger.  REDEMPTION: What is required in order to liberate from oppression, enslavement, or another type of binding obligation.  JUSTIFICATION: Divine, forensic act of…

What Goes Around

In Jeremiah’s era, war was everywhere, and the little country of Judah was right in the middle of it.  Reading about this, I find myself enmeshed in the smells, sounds, and colors of his day, the wildness of the people,…

I Remember

Those things we remember from childhood can be heart-breakingly sad, blue skies and fluffy white cloud happy, chuckle funny… in fact they run the gamut of our emotions, only in primary Technicolor hues and are usually outlined in thick black…