Author: Darlene Schacht

By His Grace

Married to her best friend for almost ten years, Jenifer is the mother of three precious treasures. She has been blessed to be a stay-at-home, home schoolin’ momma. She and her family moved to North Carolina four years ago for…

Is Meekness a Weakness?

When I started out writing this column, I assumed the articles would generally be about living well—not particularly on weight loss. But as the readership grew, I started receiving feedback—lots of feedback— from women who were struggling with weight. It…

We Have Another Victory

We Have Another Victory! Dear Friends, Thank you for praying. WE HAVE ANOTHER VICTORY! As I write this Sokhan is driving back with the five children whose father murdered their mother last week. It will be late, after dark, before…

From a Praying Mom

Hi – It was three years ago today that Sara was in the hospital and was gravely ill. I’ll never forgot how they wheeled her away into the PICU, and I stood in front of her hospital room window, looking…