Author: Christie Lambert

Christie Lambert is a small-town, southern writer who is daily amazed by the love of God. Although she loves fiction and has published a few short stories here and there, her writing is now focused on sharing the grace of Jesus that has swept her off her feet. She is usually doing laundry for her three small kids and musician-husband, drinking (too much) coffee with her sister, and reading while cooking (not recommended for those who like edible meals). She is currently obsessed with learning how to play the guitar and finishing her degree in Religious Studies. Christie can be contacted at

Called to Peace (Part 2)

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as one body you were called to peace. (Colossians 3:15) Unity is in the very nature of the Trinity.  God the Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit are one. Unity…

Called to Peace (Part 1)

Prince of Peace, Isaiah called Him, when he foretold the Savior’s birth.  And, to us, that Prince-of-Peace-Savior says this in Matthew 5:9  “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” Peace. It’s defined as a…

Of Signs and Seasons

Cotton-fields are white again and our southern roads are framed in golden stretches of tobacco. Trees are shaking their branches, hues of red and yellow glinting, and letting loose their leaves. Mornings are chillier and darkness settles earlier and earlier…


Broken. From the Garden of Eden to Noah’s generation, humanity was broken.  Holy communion with God ~ broken.  A mother’s heart, seeing the pain of an angry son and a son murdered in a field ~ broken.  A family watching…