Author: Barbara Greenhow

I am a woman in my nineties who has been a believer for almost seventy-five years. My purpose in writing is twofold. I am still working out many issues about what it means to be “in Christ’, and I find that writing things down somehow helps me clarify my thoughts. The other reason I write is to share some of my insights with others who may have the same questions. In sharing ideas and experiences, I think we help each other grow. I am definitely still learning. I am a conservative Christian, but I try to live under Grace rather than Law. I believe that we need to study Scripture vigilantly, because it is one of the two guides we have to the will of God for us. The other is the Person of Jesus Christ, and He is to be our example and mentor as we sojourn here on Earth. With these as our teachers, I believe we can come to live lives which glorify God and effectively share His Good News of redemption and forgiveness.

Learning To Be Still

As Christmas approaches I hear the same concern from all my friends: how to squeeze the additional responsibilities and activities into schedules already too full.  As we struggle to keep up, we may begin to question why we choose to…