By Sherma-Jacqueline Felix
Everything we’ve been through, everything we’ve learnt from our mistakes, and everything that’s been done to us, it all culminates in this one thing: GOD ALMIGHTY GETS THE GLORY FOR YOUR LIFE!
Somehow, all of the crazy stuff, all the hurtful things, and all the trials we’ve endured have brought us to where we are right now. Of course we know that God doesn’t send things to hurt us, but we know that He is well able to use situations and make them turn out for our good!
Do you remember the Bible story of Joseph? He was chosen by God, picked out from among his brothers and sent on ahead to another land, to make way for his family. At the time, Joseph didn’t know that though. Neither did his brothers know, they just wanted to get rid of him! They spoke evil about him and eventually sold him as a slave.
Thirteen years later, there he was! Ruling and reigning over Egypt, the most powerful
man at that time, and in a position to help his brothers and father. I guarantee you that
there was more than 13 years of trials and tribulations. If you remember the story
(Genesis Chapters 37-41), his brothers never really liked him and were jealous of him, so
he may have been ridiculed, laughed at and maybe even bullied, for several years before
Then, there was the pit he was thrown into, his life sold away as a slave, the subsequent
jail time, lies, shackles, and much pain. But God was there all the time! God never left
Joseph, just as He never leaves us, and He never forsakes us through all of the trauma.
God was, and is Faithful to us all!
It all added up though. Even though neither Joseph nor his brothers were aware of God’s
master plan at that time, God used all of it to promote Joseph so that he would be in
position to help his family when they needed it the most.
Every difficult thing that came to torment you, break you, or send you crazy didn’t even
work. You’re alive and still in your right mind, you’re not tormented, and you may have
bent, but you certainly didn’t break. It all adds up into a very bright future for you.
The Bible talks about when our faith is tried, our patience is employed. When patience
has had a perfect work in us, (or when patience becomes mature in our spirits), then we
become perfect and entire wanting nothing! (James 1:3-4)
How would you like to be in a position where you’re perfect? Where you can consider
yourself as wanting nothing? That type of situation manifests when patience is allowed to
work itself through us, when we’re in the middle of tests and trials.
Have no fear. Count it all joy, because it all adds up! God shall get Glory from your life!
Sherma-Jacqueline is a Bible Teacher, Conference Speaker, Mentor, and Passionate Writer. She has always enjoyed writing, and started off by keeping a diary in her teens. She began prayer journaling over 18 years ago and began teaching on Prayer 12 years ago. Her desire is to see the women of God rise up and be all that they’re called to be: Bold, Strong, Courageous and overflowing with His Word!
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