Understanding God’s grace may take me a lifetime, but I am so thankful He wants to reveal it to me more everyday! You see, grace was given to me at salvation. God didn’t give me what I deserved, which was death and hell, but He gave me the gift of eternal life. As awesome as that is, there is so much more to it than that alone.
God came to give me abundant life here on earth as well. John 10:10 says that although the devil came to steal, kill, and destroy me, You~ Jesus ~ came to give us life and give it to the full and abundantly. I want that abundant, full life! I’m not satisfied to sit here, miserable, waiting for the end to come; just trying to be happy with knowing I’m going to heaven when I die. Praise God, I am going to heaven when I die, but here and now I want the full benefit of life He gave me when I took the gift of salvation He offered me.
God gave me peace, joy, kindness, love, self-control, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, faith, forgiveness. (Gal. 5:22) He gave me the ability to give love, kindness, and forgiveness to others. Years ago I would have told you “Yes, I want that life and I have tried to live that life, but it’s just so hard I can’t do it.” But thanks be to God, He opened the eyes of my heart and spirit and revealed truth. (1 Cor. 15: 57) The knowledge of the truth will set you free (John 8:32) and it certainly has set me free from the bondage of trying to live the Christian life on my own!
I now know Jesus is my life and when I allow Him, He lives the Christian life in and through me. Who better to live that life than the One who knows how to do it? Thank You for Your willingness to live it.
Christ in me is the strength within that enables me to live the victorious Christian life. There is nothing I can do to make that happen. As the song by Chris Tomlin goes,” My chains are gone, I’ve been set free, my God , my Savior has rescued me…” Amen and amen. All praise glory and honor to Him!
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