September 11, 2001 brought terror, fear, hate, death and grief. Yet somehow through all the devastation unity, love, life, loyalty and faith prevailed. How could so much good come from such a horrible disaster? It could only be God. Christians along with other Americans from all over our country pulled together to help the hurting. We administered medical care, delivered supplies, fed the hungry, gave financially, and prayed for the lost and injured victims. Though we too were in tremendous pain, Christ in us moved us in love and compassion toward others. “The Spirit of God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted, He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners.”
This is prophecy about Jesus, however Christ in us produces the same results when we surrender to let Him live in and through us. During 9/11 believers brought those words to life.
Sujo John remembers being trapped that day inside the first Twin Tower. As he stood huddled up against a wall with 20 other people he began to call out to Jesus. When he did this the others called upon the name of the Lord. John recalls during an interview with CBN, “I heard them call the name of the Lord with me. Imagine this building going down, tremendous roar of the building going down, but for me what is etched in my mind is not really the roar of the building going down, but the cry of these people reaching out to the eternal God.”
John was the only survivor from his group on this grisly day in September. From this experience he realized people were ready to know God. So he and his wife began traveling around the country telling their story of survival. Their ministry has reached thousands ~ over 30,000 people have called upon the name of the Lord and been saved. Can I just say Hallelujah!
Our compassionate Father is using Sujo John to bring the good news to the afflicted, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and freedom to prisoners. This is one place we can literally see God keeping His promises, because in these circumstances Romans 8:28 has come to life through John and his wife ~ through their obedience and through the power of the Holy Spirit in them. “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God.”
I believe God fulfilled this Scripture for Sujo John, and for those who were calling upon His name the second they died September 11, 2001. I believe our loving Father fulfilled this promise as over 30,000 people became followers of Christ through Sujo John’s ministry. I believe God Almighty fulfilled the promise of Romans 8:28 over and over and over again throughout the aftermath of this tragedy. Maybe we ourselves do not know all the many ways He has brought good through such a terrible crisis. However, I know my Savior and I know He keeps His word; He fulfills His promises!
Still today the promise of Romans 8:28 is being carried out like a domino effect from 9/11. Those 30,000 plus people have been changed through the power of the Holy Spirit inside them. Because of the change in them their families, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, and even strangers have been touched by Jesus Christ. Amen and glory to God! All this blessing to these people was and is being poured out through one man’s tragic experience and because our God is faithful.
It is beyond our comprehension to imagine all the works He has done to fulfill His promise since that grievous, horrible day in the United States of America. But I am comforted to know and believe our great God reigns over all the eternal outcome of all circumstances.
Scripture references: Romans 8:28, Isaiah 61:1
Sujo John’s story can be found here:
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