Driving down the orchard lane shaded with sugar Maple trees, the sun is to my front left side and sitting low on the horizon. It is flickering through the trees and reflecting orange and silver on the perfect mix of wispy and fluffy clouds that are riding slow in the long hot summer evening. I began to dwell on spiritual things; thanking God for sending Jesus as my savior, I contemplate other blessings.
Without a call, a plan, or a voice, worship settles upon me. I breathe deeply of the Father’s presence and gaze steadily into the beauty He has placed here in this moment of my life. It brings forth praises for the glory of Him, my God, my savior, my King, whose Spirit holds me in an eternal embrace of amazing assurance.
I love these times, when with surprise, I am blessed by such a personal time of worship. Could this happen anywhere, anytime? Yes! If amid an arid desert ~ He is there, His reflection aglow in the blaze of crystallized sand; I recognize His glory, and I worship. Should I be in the darkest emerald jungle, startled by His creativity found in a single drop of dew caught in the cup of a giant frond, I hear laurels from heaven as I pour forth tribute from my praising heart.
Perhaps, if riding the crest of the towering waves in the middle of the deepest ocean of desperation, suddenly I am caught in the rhapsody of my heavenly Father ~ I will find beauty in the foaming crest while the weight of the water becomes a foundation. If in the loss of love and while living in loneliness and grief, His mantle falls upon me, I will be amazed as His nearness completely covers me, causing my gratitude to flow. Captured by His Spirit, thankfulness is woven into strength and a thing of beauty…
Stun me Lord, as I exist on this earthly plane, with the awareness of your Holiness, beauty and majesty. Catch me unaware and course through all of my senses ~ let me cherish within my heart and soul Godly touches carried on the breath of whispered prayer.
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