I have chosen these frozen drinks for my recipes this month because besides being cool and refreshing – which is what we thirst for in July – the very name of them reminds us of how awesome our God is!
You thrill me, Lord, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done. (Psalm 92:4, NLT)
When I was a child, there were Saturday night movies called “Chiller Thriller.” Rarely was I allowed to stay up until the midnight hour and watch. The black and white narrative by Boris Karloff ensured a 10-year-old girl would sleep with her eyes open for at least a week.
As I reflected on this as an adult I wondered, what was the allure? Aside from being able to stay up late there was something that drew me to want to watch. It wasn’t the scary part that I liked, it was the thrill that it created.
Webster defines thrill as a shaking; shivering; quivering; excitement. At that age our family hadn’t yet been introduced to the joy of the Lord. I didn’t know what a real thrill was until Jesus came into my life.
As I pondered this article, I remembered a true “Chiller Thriller” that I experienced a few years back. I was new to traveling and my plane landed in Toronto, Canada. I wondered through the airport looking for the taxi stand, only to find a helpful man who saw tourist written all over me.
He said, “Hey miss, are you looking for a taxi?” I assured him I was. He suggested that I follow him. Blindly I did.
He led me out of the airport and across the street to an underground parkade. As I entered the parkade I started to have second thoughts and a very uneasy feeling. Taxi’s aren’t usually underground in parkades. What if this guy wasn’t a taxi driver? Where was I blindly following him? I said a quick prayer:
“Lord if this man is not a taxi driver then help me get out of this situation.”
I didn’t even get amen out, when I heard someone call me. “Hey miss, are you looking for a taxi? There are no taxi’s in there.”
The man calling was nothing more than a stranger on the street to me, but yet I knew it was the voice of God. Once safe in my taxi, the thrill of what had just happened overwhelmed me. Wow! What an awesome God we serve! You thrill me, Lord, with all you have done for me!
Stories like mine are not hard to find. As I have shared my story with others, I have heard many just as thrilling. The Bible states that He will give His angels charge over us. I believe we are to share these testimonies with others.
Revelation 12:11 reminds us that they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.
So as you spend your hot summer days sipping some chiller thrillers from the recipes below, share with others the goodness God has shown you, and find out what He has done for them.
While the beverage may cool you, your shivering will be from the excitement you experience by tasting of the joy of the Lord!
Chiller Thrillers
All chiller thrillers below start with 1 ½ c skim milk and 1 ½ c cubed ice.
Put milk in blender first. Add ice next. Top with ¼ cup of your favorite flavored syrup and blend until smooth. Pour into glasses. Serve with straws, immediately.
Suggested flavors:
Java Chiller Thriller
(Java ice cream syrup – my favorite!)
For a variation exchange skim milk with cold coffee
Strawberry Chiller Thriller
(Strawberry ice cream syrup)
For a variation, exchange some of the ice cubes with strawberries.
Chocolate Chiller Thriller
(Chocolate ice cream syrup)
For a variation, exchange some of the ice cubes with banana chunks to make a banana split flavor.
Caramel Chiller Thriller
(Caramel ice cream syrup)
For variation exchange skim milk with cream for a richer creamier flavor.
©2009, Bonnie Hooley