About a year ago, I got an idea for a site that would help organize your home in fun, practical, innovative ways. I can’t tell you those ways–not yet anyway. We don’t have the software yet (but the programmer is on the job! :). But we–and that “we” includes my two partners, Andy and Nichelle Isaacson–have taken the first step toward making that site a reality.
Please consider yourself invited to join our Twig and Feather community. Why “Twig and Feather?” Because I couldn’t shake the image of a nest. To me, it encompasses all the emotion I feel as a wife, mother, and homemaker. My home is our nest. And like any nest, it’s comprised of practical structure–twigs, if you will–like budgeting, menu planning, cleaning, and all those other not-fun-but-very-necessary components. But it’s also comprised of “feathers”–the soft side of nesting, things like candles and music and fluffy pillows. Every nest needs both twigs and feathers. Our site aims to share and solicit ideas for all these areas, help you organize your life, and encourage you to make your home a warm, welcoming refuge in a world that is anything but warm and welcoming.
For right now, we’re offering a forum. This will be the nuts and bolts of the site until we can launch the bigger features. We’ve been up-and-running for about a month now and have already begun compiling an interesting collection of recipes, craft and decorating tips, and ideas for making your home a haven.
We hope you’ll consider joining our T & F community. More than that, we hope you’ll inundate us with all your ideas. And just to encourage you to come and do that, we’re offering a giveaway for all who register before December 10th. The winning name will receive a copy of my first book, “A Whisper in Winter,” an ornament from Pottery Barn, a mug, candle, and assorted cocoas.
Hope to see you at Twig and Feather.
© Shannon Woordward, 2008