DeeDee’s life is filled with a crazy schedule that she thrives in. She is recently an empty-nester and has found joy in the new freedom of not having to cook dinner! She leads a women’s ministry that has been described as a “gentle revolution,” a description that fits her as well: gentle. Ministry is her passion but it wouldn’t be possible without the family that has long supported her. She has been married to Byron for 22 years and has two sons (Byron and Brennan) and a daughter-in-love (Megan).
DeeDee was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and is facing this new challenge with a strong determination to glorify God through it all. She battles fear, just like any other woman, but she is confident in the God that has promised He will never leave her nor forsake her. In a recent post she writes, “I have prayed that I would know Him more, and I have prayed that He would not let me miss a single opportunity to do just that. His character attributes are endless and I will never know them completely, this side of heaven. But this is an opportunity for me to know Him as Jehovah Rophe–the God that heals. I know He is THE Healer, but now I will know Him as MY Healer. I am not afraid. I am not perplexed. I am not struck down. I am on an amazing journey to know my Savior more. And when this battle is over, I will be stronger for it.”
How did you go about naming your blog, and where can we find it?
Creativity is not my strong suit! So the name of my blog is also the name of my person, which makes it easy for my blog buddies to find me. Come see me at:
What do you find yourself writing about most often?
I love writing about my friends and family. They are precious to me. But as a women’s ministry leader, my heart is to encourage women. Every new lesson I learn and every new discovery of God’s character in my life immediately goes through the filter of “how can I share this with my girls?” Many of my posts are written with these women in mind.
What prompted you to start blogging, and when did you launch your site?
Peer pressure! As my writing buddies began to blog, they encouraged me to do the same. I took the plunge a little over a year ago and became addicted instantly. It is so much fun to meet sisters in Christ from around the world!
How much thought and time do you generally put into each post?
It really depends on the post. If it’s a fun post to update what’s going on in my life, it doesn’t take too long to prepare. I can splatter my random thoughts pretty fast and furiously! But if it’s something that God has placed on my heart, that usually comes out of my times spent in prayer and study. One of my recent posts was after an unusual weekend of solitude where I had the opportunity to spend hours and hours just seeking the Lord. Those days are rare…and precious. But they bring beautiful revelations to share!
What are some of your hobbies or accomplishments outside of blogging?
I love to sing. I am a vocalist with our worship team at church and the privilege of leading our church family in praise and worship never grows old.
What struggle have you experienced with keeping your blog updated?
Time. I love doing ministry, but it keeps me very busy, along with a family and full-time job. There are seasons that I just can’t seem to get to it. But even when I am too busy to post, I never fail to check in on my buddies and keep up with what’s going on with them. That is what I love most about blogging. It’s this built-in accountability system that allows you to stay in touch with your girlfriends
What are some of your favorite blogs?
A Pink Carnation in Bloom (
Is there a Bible verse that has God recently placed on your heart?
There are many that are precious to me right now. Psalm 91 is sweet comfort when you are facing great challenges. But my favorite verse is Philippians 3:10 and the Amplified Version says it so well. It reads, “[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection [which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His likeness even] to His death, [in the hope].” With all the busyness of life, this verse keeps me grounded and reminds me what my purpose is: to know Him.
Is there anything that you’d like to add in closing?
Blogging has been a great blessing in my life. When you can journal your thoughts and then receive encouragement from your sisters from around the globe, it is such a gift. I love reading the blogs of the women who have crossed my path and staying in touch with those that inspire me so. Only our Creator could have thought of something this clever and I encourage anyone who has a story to share to be bold enough to proclaim it and bless those of us who want to hear it. Luke 8:47 says, “When the woman realized that she couldn’t remain hidden, she knelt trembling before him. In front of all the people, she blurted out her story—why she touched him and how at that same moment she was healed.” However God is moving in your life, don’t be afraid to blurt it out! You may never know the lives your story will impact!
Visit DeeDee at her blog:
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