Life Reframed


Marci and her high school sweetheart, Chuck, have been married for 24 years. She has three young adult children ages 18-22 who she is very thankful for. In August 2005, she began a new life as a disabled mom after she suffered a spinal cord injury during a car accident.

Though the journey following the accident has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions and physical challenges, she has found that God has held on tight. The prayers of fellow Christians have so touched her. She has been healed miraculously beyond all expectations–a walking quadriplegic.

Marci also was a labor/delivery nurse for 20 years. She misses ministering to those women, but God has been faithful to give her new dreams and new areas of service.

How did you go about naming your blog, and where can we find it?
I named my blog “Life Reframed” because I began seeing my life through a different lens, an eternal perspective. It’s at

What do you find yourself writing about most often?
I write mostly about the lessons I’ve learned from living with a disability, of God’s faithfulness through my trials, of the grief of my losses. I’ve realized that utter dependence on God is a real blessing. When all pride is gone, you can see things properly. I had been depending on myself and compartmentalizing God. I was not even aware of the blessings I was missing. I try to get these truths across and stir in the reader a desire to see their life and heart as God sees it.

What prompted you to start blogging, and when did you launch your site?
A few of my younger girlfriends, had blogs so I tried it in May never really thinking I would keep it up. God gave me a heart to encourage those going through challenges in life, to let them know that God is there in the “middle of the muddle.” I wanted to encourage them to hang on and not give up.

How much thought and time do you generally put into each post?
It depends, I don’t post everything I write. At least 2 hours. I want it to be different and relevant. I want to let people know what God has done and continues to do for me. It does seem I think about it constantly.

What are some of your hobbies or accomplishments outside of blogging?
Obviously, these have changed as my abilities changed. I love to swim and play with my dogs. I spend way too much time in Bible study because I just love the word of God. Prayer has become a passion and I am the prayer team coordinator for my women?s ministry. I also started a prayer blog for us. Love reading books, planting flowers, and eating out with Chuck. I just planned my class reunion and I stay in touch with”old” friends. I did have my testimony published in Epitome magazine in February 2007.

What struggle, if any, have you experienced with keeping your blog updated?
The crazy thing is I don’t really know the rules of blogs, how to do tags, how often I’m supposed to write. I am winging it with Jesus as the wingman! It’s fun. Give me a little grace when you look at it!

What are some of your favorite blogs?
I peruse through the CWO blogroll often, and just love the insight of Christian women. I’m actually glad I didn’t know about all these great blogs because I never would have had the guts to try one! I like Tales from the Running Mama, a friends blog, and Internet Cafe.

What Bible verse has God recently placed on your heart?
I love them all. This one instills confidence in me: Zeph 3:17 The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” What a beautiful picture from a merciful God.

Is there anything that you’d like to add in closing?
What I’d like to get across is that I am so thankful for this chance to finish well. At one point after my accident, I really thought there was no reason for me to live. Now I’m not only taking care of myself, but living a joy-filled life thanks to the grace of God alone. I’m so grateful for each day. I don’t want to take my life or the gifts God has given me for granted ever again! I pray He’ll use me in whatever way He sees fit.

Visit Marci at: Live Reframed

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