How to Teach Young Ones about Christ

Candace, I want to ask if you have any thoughts about how to teach our little ones about Christ? I have 2 boys: ages 2 & 5. I try to teach them about God; we read Bible stories at bedtime and we pray and talk about God here and there.  Maybe it’s just a developmental thing, but my 5 year old seems so aloof. When he prays, he’s just repeating the words that he’s heard me pray, it doesn’t come from within himself. And when I try to teach him about God, he’s looking off into space, or trying to play with something. It is so frustrating to me because more than anything, I want them to know and love the Lord.

I’m not sure if God is just still an abstract idea to him or if he just doesn’t have a reverence for God yet.  Would love to know your thoughts!  Thanks so much!


You sound like you are doing a wonderful job with your children teaching them about Christ. Don’t be discouraged if your 5 year old doesn’t “get” Him yet–he’s 5! Yes, I know some children who have professed their love for the Lord at the same age, but everyone develops differently. The most important thing you can continue to do is to love your children and teach them about God. Continue to read with them, play with them, and nurture them. Don’t think that reading those Bible stories are all for nothing. You’ll be surprised one day when your son is asked about something and he’ll recall a Bible story mommy read. Kids are like sponges. They soak it ALL in. Some kids just don’t squeeze it out till later. 🙂

I love The Way of the Master book for kids. It’s a really fun way to learn the 10 commandments and the story of creation. Remember that the best way to teach your kids about who God is at a young age, is to reflect within yourself the very things you’re trying to teach. In other words, live out your life for Christ. Your actions will speak loud and clear.

Keep up the good work and put your worry to rest. God loves your boys more than you do! Can you imagine that?!

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