This year, I’m hoping that “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” will be just that…a dream. I hope to awaken on Christmas morning to sunshine, green grass and temperatures considerably above the freezing mark. I’m looking forward to my first Christmas in our new home deep in the heart of Texas. For the first year in more than a decade, we won’t be in the frozen tundra of Minnesota for the holidays. While some folks make plans to travel to the snow regions, not me—at least not this year. This year I’m already planning where to park my lawn chair as we enjoy the warm sunshine on Christmas afternoon.
Christmas 2007 will mark the beginning of new traditions for my household. Kevin and I will be in Texas with some of his family nearby. Most of our children will be in Minnesota, freezing—poor dears, and starting new traditions of their own. Yes, we will miss them terribly, but this is a new season in our lives and we are praying for joyful hearts in spite of not having our children and grandchildren nearby.
I’m sure there are many boomer babes who will also find themselves in a new place this Christmas. A new place LITERALLY, as in geographically, a new place FIGURATIVELY, as in empty nesting for the first time, or perhaps even as a divorced or widowed woman for the first time or maybe as a retired person for the first time. Whatever the change in our life journey, we can rest assured that God will remain the same; yesterday, today and always.
I’m looking forward to finding new ways to make new Christmas memories. I hope you are too. Sure, it means some very dear traditions will become cherished memories in our hearts, yet, the new memories to come might just be the best ones yet.
May God bless and keep you and yours this Christmas season and always.
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