Tag: fear

Fear of Success

By Sandy Mayle There’s an interesting scene in the classic Christmas movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” where the dastardly Mr. Potter offers the impoverished George Baxter a highly lucrative job in his business.  George agonizes over his decision (which to…

Lowering Fear’s Volume

By Jen Allee I spoke at a women’s retreat recently and during the lunch break I had a crazy experience. I almost died. Dramatic, I know, but let me tell you the story.  It’s a short one.  Basically, I tried…

We Remember

To honor the day, we’re posting the links to a series of articles we did for 9/11 in 2011. These are poignant and powerful testimonies!  Please take some time today ~ or over the next couple of days ~ to…

Here In Mercy

He is ALWAYS certain of me.  On days when I am unsure of myself and my own worth, it’s the love of God that is my center, my ever-steady safe place, my hope.  These words are so simple, but I…

Free Indeed

I have been living the American dream. Okay, I’m Canadian, but you know what I mean. I live in a free land, am able to gather with other Christians and worship freely; and I am free to get up and…