Tag: Family

Because He is…

Because He is the bread of life (John 6:35), I am satisfied in Him ~ so I can have contentment no matter how things around me change. (Philippians 4:11) Because He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8),…

Resurrection 2018

By Sherma-Jacqueline Felix It seems like it was just yesterday that we were singing Christmas carols in celebration of Jesus’ birth in December 2017, yet here we are again celebrating Jesus’ resurrection this coming Sunday!  I am always excited about…

The Love of God

By Kristen Wells  Wait! It’s not about me? I was struck recently by the fact that I was looking at life all wrong.  I am not sure why it has taken me so long to get here when the Bible…

You’ve Got a Friend in Me

By Katie Heid It’s been said we are born into families, but we choose our friends.  However, picking those tried-and-true souls is only half of the blessing. Our friends choose us. I’ve amassed four decades of friendships, and I’m filled…

Mantles of Change

By Sherma-Jacqueline Felix The church has been moving forward at a steady pace ever since the resurrection of Jesus.  A lot of things have changed since those early days of Christianity, but now, things are beginning to pick up.   We’re…