Tag: faithfulness

A Burning and Shining Lamp

By Tiffany Link Recently in my quiet times, I’ve been working through Amy Carmichael’s daily devotional, Edges of His Ways. I’ve found multitudes of little treasures in Amy’s words. This morning, as I was flipping to the day’s reading, I…

Choosing Your Battles

By KJ Doogan The Mini Rescuer I have been a rescuer from my beginnings: people who need help, stray or hurt animals, out-of-gas bees. You name it. If I see a need, I am an automatic first responder. That seems…

A YouTube Moment

I have to confess to a secret pleasure. I LOVE most of the “Shorts” on YouTube. I enjoy those brief glimpses into people’s lives that, in just a few seconds, expose who they are or make me laugh.  Sometimes the little…