Her eyes search the crowd. She wonders at the way they follow casually, some eating chunks of bread, some laughing at a newly told joke, some gossiping about the man and his miracles like he is a million miles away…
Shame is an ugly mask. It can turn a beautiful, strong woman into a frail, sad, fearful, head-hanging one. I once read that shame goes beyond feeling guilty for WHAT you’ve done because it tears into your soul and condemns…
In Jeremiah’s era, war was everywhere, and the little country of Judah was right in the middle of it. Reading about this, I find myself enmeshed in the smells, sounds, and colors of his day, the wildness of the people,…
For the past several weeks I have been in the grip of yet one more attack of gout. For those of you who have never experienced this disease, give thanks. It is right up there with the pain of childbirth,…
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. ~Matthew 5:6 My kids just stayed at my mom and dad’s house for several days. My mom’s reaction when I asked her how things had gone…